Successful final FOODENGINE event
It has been great to see the overall research progress made by all our ESR during our final FOODENGINE event organized on September 29-30, 2021. Each fellow presented his overall research progress at the level of individual presentation and a specific part of the...

Successful final FOODENGINE event
It has been great to see the overall research progress made by all our ESR during our final FOODENGINE event organized on September 29-30, 2021. Each fellow presented his overall research progress at the level of individual presentation and a specific part of the...

Final FOODENGINE event
After 1.5 years of having online workshops and winterschools, we are happy to announce that the final FOODENGINE event will take place in a live setting in Leuven (Belgium) on September 29 and 30, 2021. During these two days, the fellows have the opportunity to share...

Workshop 4: about performance culture and job interviewing
On June 1 and 2, the last FOODENGINE workshop with specific skill training sessions was organised online. On the first day, the fellows learned more about Goals, Appraisals and Performance Culture. On the second day, some tips and tricks were given about CV writing...

Tiffany and Adiguna are participating in an MSCA event
Two of our fellows, Tiffany Patra and Adiguna Bahari, are participating in an MSCA event on the 22nd of April. Listen to their experience as part of a Marie Curie ITN network and get tips and tricks to apply to the program. More information can be found on Euraxess....

Winterschool 3
During the first week of February in 2021 the third FOODENGINE winterschool took place in an online format. Scientific lectures, discussion of the research progress, welcoming two new fellows and lots of online fun describe this training event. Read more about the...

How to prepare a 3-course menu with a can of chickpeas as the major ingredient?
Are you curious how to prepare following menu from one can of chickpeas? Starter: Hummus (Chickpea) Main dish: Falafel (Chickpea) with vegan “mayo” (Aquafaba) Dessert: Chocolate mousse (Aquafaba) Check out our newest YouTube movie which was made for the 2020 Science...

Science is Wonderful! 2020
How can we create a 3-course menu with a can of chickpeas as the major ingredient? This is the story the FOODENGINE fellows are presenting during the 2020 Science is Wonderful! event taking place on September 22-24, 2020. Are you curious about the menu they prepared?...

Online FOODENGINE workshop
During the first week of June 2020, the FOODENGINE workshop hosted by Cargill was planned. Due to the current situation, the workshop took place in an online format. The FOODENGINE ESRs had interesting trainings on Patents and Trademarks and Food legislation from...

Winterschool at UCPH
During the last week of January, the FOODENGINE network came together in Copenhagen during the second Winterschool. During this training event, the FOODENGINE fellows had the opportunity to present and discuss their research progress with the partners of the network....